Monday, March 4, 2013

Pool Barrier of Oklahoma 1988 - 2013 - 25 years of protecting children from the dangers of swimming pools.   Life Saver's Pool Barrier mesh fencing is easily removable and is a breeze to take down and set up.

Life Saver Pool Fence has been going strong for 25 years.

Call Pool Barrier of Oklahoma for more information.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Pool Barrier of Oklahoma

Spring is almost here -  time to think about the kids and playing outside and protecting them from the dangers of your swimming pool.

 An unprotected pool is more dangerous to your child than a loaded gun*.  And so the safety of your pool area cannot be an afterthought. If you wouldn’t buy a car without a seatbelt, you shouldn’t have a pool without a fence. It’s your responsibility to keep your family safe from your home’s greatest danger.
*Freakanomics, 2005

Life Saver Pool Fence